Lee, Hyuk Soo
Main SIC category: Nonclassifiable Establishments
Search and detection systems and instruments
Overburden removal, anthracite mining
Marble, crushed and broken-quarrying
Potato products, quick frozen and cold pack
Arsenates, arsenites (formulated)
Drinking fountains, metal
Household cooking equipment, nec
Textile waste
Sewing supplies
Certified public accountant
Lee, Hyuk Soo contacts: address, phone, fax, email, site, working hours, owner
Full name: Lee, Hyuk Soo
Region: Seoul
Address: 703 Hwang-Hwa B/D,832-7,YeukSam-Dong
Phone: 82-2-6249-6649 (+82-82-2-6249-6649) 82-2-6249-6649 (+82-82-2-6249-6649)
Fax: 82-2-6249-6651 (+82-82-2-6249-6651) 82-2-6249-6651 (+82-82-2-6249-6651)
Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Website: inter-cross.net
Owner / Director / Manager of Lee, Hyuk Soo: Lee, Hyuk Soo Lee, Hyuk Soo
Opening Hours:
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Registration data and financial data of Lee, Hyuk Soo
Co.Registration Number: 615-84-19573 615-84-19573
Company type: Foreign Foreign
Foundation year: 2017 2017
Employees (main staff): approximately 40 approximately 40
Capital: 949 M KRW 949 M KRW
Sales (last year): more 709, M KRW more 709, M KRW
Credit rating (last year): N/A N/A
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About Lee, Hyuk Soo
Lee, Hyuk Soo is mainly involved in Nonclassifiable Establishments and operates in Seoul, South Korea. Since 2017, the company is located on 703 Hwang-Hwa B/D,832-7,YeukSam-Dong. Lee, Hyuk Soo uses 0 trading names. Our records indicate that Lee, Hyuk Soo is the manager of Lee, Hyuk Soo in Seoul.
Lee, Hyuk Soo was issued with the Co.Registration number 615-84-19573. The company has approximately 40 employees, founded capital - 949 M KRW. Additional information you can receive making request on contacts above.
The data was updated on 02/12/2025